Welcome to LisboaJS! We’re building a place where beginner and seasoned developers can come to share, to learn and to laugh together. Join our community on Telegram.
We’ll have 2 speakers who are visiting Lisbon and who were kind enough to offer to give a talk and share their knowledge with us. Each will give 20 minute talks about topics that are related to the future of the web.
Igor Minar has helped to create AngularJS, Angular, and Karma. Together with his team, he built some of the biggest Web development communities at Google, and also in the open source. He collaborated with the TypeScript team to bring type-checking and better tooling to mainstream Web developers. He worked with browser vendors to improve Web APIs. And he improved the Web development ecosystem through creation of pragmatic best practices like conventional commits and evergreen libraries.
Yagiz Nizipli has authored the Ada url parser, founded the Node.js performance and is currently a member of the Node.js technical steering committee member, OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council voting member and principal engineer at Cloudflare. In his talk, ‘Optimizing life and Node.js’ he’ll address general purpose optimizations. We will dive into recent optimizations that are done in Node.js core and how different it is from the real-world problems we face outside of our engineering works. Yagiz Nizipli will share some technical but funny details about the dark side of optimizations and how it relates to an “occupational hazard”.
Our team is planning monthly events until 2026. If you’d like to sponsor our events and keep them going strong, please drop an email at lisboajs@outono.org or create an issue at https://github.com/lisboajs — Same applies for other enquires.