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Mesa-redonda sobre as boas práticas de uma Transformação Digital

Lançamento da nossa comunidade de lisboa, durante este meetup, você estará conectado com Head of

Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro

Feira de Emprego Universidade 5.0

A passagem de um estudante por uma Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) não se pode

Pharmacia Felicidade, Lisboa - BY

ne4tec networking dinner @ Web Summit Lisbon

Get to know other women & men from the technology world and get inspired by

Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, Lisboa - Lisboa

Meetup Sebrae Startups

Meetup Sebrae Startups "Internationalization Opportunities for Brazilian companies".

Carmo rooftop, Lisboa - Lisboa

FOUNDERS NIGHT #5 | best networking event at WebSummit’23

First evening of WebSummit spent among like-minded enterpreneurs, media reps and investors - thats FOUNDERS

Secret Location, Lisbon - Lisboa

An Evening with Growth Division

An exclusive in-person event happening during Web Summit.


The Quest for Engineering Excellence: Dev experience, testing & performance

In this event, we will have another episode on the ongoing quest that different companies

Boteco dona luzia, Lisboa - Lisboa

Brazilian Startups Networking

Pre-Web Summit event bringing together startups, investors and government institutions from Brazil.

Monte Mar Lisboa - Restaurante, Lisboa - Lisboa

Grit Daily Sixth Annual Speaker’s and Media Dinner

An "oasis" during Web Summit, this sit-down benefits startups, with a combo of FastCo, Hackernoon,

Ironhack Portugal - R. do Instituto Virgílio Machado 14, 1100-284 Lisboa

UX Talks: from talent acquisition to people management and growth

Join us at this event to learn, network, share your experience and have a great